Tips for Christmas season

Dec 18, 2023

Tips for Christmas Season

Talk about your feelings. It's hard to admit that at such an exciting time of year you don't actually feel that great. ... Christmas is not always happy time for everyone. Tips for easing Christmas-related stress and anxiety include being realistic: you might not have the ‘perfect’ Christmas, or it might look different to other years, but you can find ways to enjoy and celebrate it. If you become overwhelmed at any point, give yourself the time to take a breather and recharge.

Do something you are good at. What do you love doing?

If you are managing feelings of loneliness over the season, some recommendations include: having a daily plan taking part in activities that you enjoy practicing self-compassion.

Remember that you are not alone in loneliness; lots of people can feel this way, including at Christmas. Christmas can bring up lots of emotions and feelings for people who have lost loved ones. If you are grieving or dealing with bereavement, give yourself space to be both sad and joyful: it’s ok to have and recognise these different feelings.

At Christmas, we often see more of our family than at any other time, which can lead to pressure and tension. So

me tactics for managing family dynamics include choosing who and what to give your energy and time to, and recognising what doesn’t serve you. It can also help to make your wants and needs clear, so that you can manage these feelings and expectations together.

For people who are experiencing difficulties relating to food or alcohol, Christmas can be a particularly trying period. It is important to protect your recovery during the festive season. Protection strategies could include: making plans for what you want to do. aiming to stick to your routines as much as possible. saying no to things that you feel might affect your recovery. using everyday tools that work for you, such as meditation or daily walks.

                           Merry Christmas & I wish you a very Happy, healthy New Year


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